Thursday, September 29, 2016


Another major genre of literature is Nonfiction. Nonfiction is writing that is based on facts, real events, and real people. This means that nonfiction books are true stories , unlike realistic fiction. The people, events, places, and ideas are all real and not invented. It has a clear purpose, which may be to inform, to persuade, to honor, or to entertain an audience. The narrator of this type of literature is the author, and he or she may express his or her own attitude and perspective about the subject. Newspaper stories, journal articles, textbooks, and legal documents are all nonfiction. Biographies and any historical texts are also nonfiction. Books that are based on real life stories are good to read when you want to learn about a specific topic. Topics I usually like to learn about by reading a factual book include how to cook and places to travel. 

Here are a few Nonfiction books that I would be interested in reading:

Vocabulary to know:
Facts- (noun) Something known to exist or to have happened.
Invent- (verb) To create or design.
Purpose- (noun) The reason for which something is done or created.
Persuade- (verb) To make someone do or believe something by giving good reason.
Audience- (noun) The people reading a book.
Narrator- (noun) A person who tells a story. 
Express- (verb) To say what one thinks or means.
Attitude- (noun) The way you think and feel about someone or something.
Perspective- (noun) A point of view.

Vocabulary Activity: Please find and circle the vocabulary words in the word search.

E S O P R U P E V L U R E P D 
Q D K F A H X Z M J A D S E V 
C T J Z N P R A U Q U Q T R K 
J F N J R E H X B T X E C S S 
A X N E J H V G I Y K V A U W 
Y U S S V X I T B H P I F A F 
T S D I K N T I Z Z P T L D X 
V J O I O A I W L Y S C W E I 
U Z A J E O H Q J K K E H I X 
A G L A R N V L D G K P Z U Q 
L N E N V J C D S J S S K H T 
K A L N Q B H E K Y O R Z A J 
N A R R A T O R T D N E E N M 
V M B S W I V R F X W P T U B 
B M C D Z J M X W F T Y R K V 

Attitude           Audience
Express           Facts
Invent             Narrator
Perspective    Persuade

Grammar Point: There are a couple of verbs in our vocabulary list. A verb is a word used to describe an action (run, walk, sing), state (to be, to exist), or occurrence (to happen, to become). The verbs in our vocabulary words are to invent, to persuade, and to express. Please write 10 sentences that include at least one verb

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Realistic Fiction

One type of literature you may be interested in reading is called realistic fiction. Realistic fiction is a genre that tells a story about characters that act like real people in situations that can happen in real life. The characters in the story experience real-life situations, making the story very relatable to the reader. Even though a realistic fiction novel is about real life issues, it is not a true story. The person who writes a novel is called an author. Realistic fiction often deals with many complex problems and situations in regards to people, their problems, and the challenges they go through. Some common topics within a realistic fiction novel include: bullying, family issues, friendship, growing up, and love. They can also contain humor, a sense of adventure, and danger. Some people choose to read realistic fiction to help them work through their own personal problems, or because they want to explore how people who are different from them may think or feel. Realistic fiction novels have always been one of my favorite genres to read because of how true to life they are.

Some of my favorite Realistic Fiction novels are:

  Literature- (noun) Written work. (e.g., poems, plays, novels)
  Genre- (noun) A class or category of literature.
  Character- (noun) A person in a story.
  Relatable- (adjective) The ability to connect with someone or something.
  Issue- (noun) An important topic or problem.
  Author- (noun) The writer of a book.
  Novel- (noun) Another word for book.
  Complex- (adjective) Consisting of many different parts.
  Topic- (noun) A subject of conversation, the meaning. 

Vocabulary Exercise: Please unscramble the vocabulary words below.
  1. Iuess
  2. cCerhtaar
  3. laealbtRe
  4. Ltiratreue
  5. cTpoi
  6. polmxeC
  7. erGne
  8. Nvleo
  9. hortuA

Grammar Point: Most of the vocabulary words I used are nouns. A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing. Often, a noun will be the name of something we can touch (e.g., dog, book, boy), but sometimes a noun can also name things we cannot touch (e.g., joy, laughter, evaporation). Please list 10 nouns that you can or cannot touch that are a person, place or thing.