Stimulate-(verb) encourages interest and activity.
Pattern- (noun) a repeated form or design.
Rhyme- (noun) a repetition of similar sounds.
Tone- (noun) a musical or vocal sound with reference to pitch, quality, and strength.
Nursery Rhyme- (noun) a simple traditional song or poem for children.
Haiku- (noun) a Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five
Limerick- (noun) a humorous verse of three long and two short lines that rhyme.
Simile- (noun) a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing.
Vocabulary Activity
Please find the vocabulary words list above in the following word search.
Grammar Point
Punctuation is very important in any written form of language. The two most common forms on punctuation are the exclamation mark (!) a period (.) and a comma (,) The exclamation mark (!) indicates excitement. A period (.) is used at the end of a sentence, indicating to come to a full stop. A comma (,) indicate a brief pause. For example:
Happy Birthday!
We had cheese, crackers, and grapes.
On Friday I went to the mall.Please make 5 sentences using the proper punctuation marks.
Hi Lauren! I love how you incorporated literary elements to your grammar lesson. Not only is punctuation important to learn but students should understand that punctuation may be different when looking at poetry compared to other texts. Very creative and insightful!
ReplyDeleteLauren, I believe that using the literary elelments not only enlightens students about these ideas in English, but it also keeps students engaged in the activities that were conducted below the post. I really enjoyed the crossword puzzle as well. Great Job Lauren!!
ReplyDeleteGreat entry on one of my favorite topics, poetry! Also, you have lots of good websites listed on the side of your blog. I like that you have included them.